"Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number Six: A Journ" by David I. Durham and Paul M. Pruitt Jr.



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Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number Six contains essays from the editors and a collection of edited and introduced documents relating to Henry Washington Hilliard’s experience in Brazil. Hilliard was a former United States congressman from Alabama, as well as a diplomat, lawyer, professor, and author. He traveled to Brazil as an appointee of Rutherford Hayes’ administration to facilitate trade between the United States and Brazil. A Journey in Brazil: Henry Washington Hilliard and the Brazilian Anti-Slavery Society explores the nature of one American’s experience in the late-nineteenth century as it relates to Brazilians’ attempt to eliminate the institution of slavery from their country.

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University of Alabama School of Law




John C. Payne Special Collections, Henry Washington Hilliard, United States congressmen, Alabama lawyers, Brazilian Anti-Slavery Society


Law | Legal History

Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number Six: A Journey in Brazil: Henry Washington Hilliard and the Brazilian Anti-Slavery Society

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Legal History Commons



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