"Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number Five: Common" by Paul M. Pruitt Jr., David I. Durham et al.



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Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number Five contains the transcriptions of five notebooks, one ledger, and one diary as well as critical introductions to each piece and an essay on notebooks in legal culture. Primary sources include: a seventeenth century notebook authored by multiple anonymous persons likely to have been students in the Inns of Courts, Alexander Dorcas' ledger used from 1785 to 1817, George Josiah Sturges Walker's 1826 Litchfield Law School notebook, Thomas K. Jackson's 1871 diary, James Thomas Kirk's notebook used from 1891 to 1916, Jerome T. Fuller's notebook used from 1925 to 1935, and Hugo L. Black's notebook used from 1938 to 1940.

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University of Alabama School of Law




John C. Payne Special Collections, Inns of Court, Alexander Dorcas, George Josiah Sturges Walker, Litchfield Law School, James Gould, Thomas K. Jackson, Turner Reavis, James Thomas Kirk, Jerome T. Fuller, Hugo L. Black


Law | Legal History

Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number Five: Commonplace Books of Law: A Selection of Law-Related Notebooks

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Legal History Commons



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