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- Bending the Arc of History: African Americans and the University of Alabama School of Law
- Commencement Programs of the School of Law
- Faculty Scholarship
- Articles
- Book Chapters
- Books
- Essays, Reviews, and Shorter Works
- Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2011
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2012
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2013
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2014
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2015
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2016
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2017
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2018
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2019
- Harper Lee Prize Books 2020
- H. Thomas Wells, Jr. ABA President (2008-2009) Collection
- H. Thomas Wells, Jr. ABA President (2008-2009) Collection Correspondence
- H. Thomas Wells, Jr. ABA President (2008-2009) Collection Speeches
- Juris Doctorate Candidates of the School of Law
- Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library
- One Hundredth Anniversary of the University of Alabama School of Law Scrapbook Collection