"Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number One: A Guide" by Paul M. Pruitt Jr. and David I. Durham



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Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number One contains a biography of United States Senator Howell Thomas Heflin as well as an overview of the Howell Thomas Heflin Collection maintained by the University of Alabama School of Law's Bounds Law Library. Heflin deposited his papers with the University of Alabama School of Law in December 1996. The collection comprises more than 1000 cubic feet of documents, printed materials, and artifacts which are stored in and maintained by the Bounds Law Library’s John C. Payne Special Collections facility. Representing the Payne facility’s largest single collection, the Heflin Papers document Heflin’s years as legal reformer and State Supreme Court Chief Justice, as well as his tenure as United States Senator, offering a rich resource for historical, political, and legal research.

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University of Alabama School of Law




John C. Payne Special Collections, Howell Thomas Heflin, United States Senator, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, Chair of the Senate Ethics Committee


Law | Legal History

Occasional Publications of the Bounds Law Library, Number One: A Guide to The Howell Thomas Heflin Collection

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Legal History Commons



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