Document Type

Working Paper

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SSRN Discipline

PSN Subject Matter eJournals; LSN Subject Matter eJournals; Financial Economics Network; CJRN Subject Matter eJournals; Economics Research Network; Legal Scholarship Network; Criminal Law & Procedure eJournals; Law School Research Papers - Legal Studies; Law & Society eJournals; Law & Society: Public Law eJournals; Criminal Justice Research Network; Humanities Network; Political Science Network; Political Economy - Development eJournals


Shows that aggressive policing is only one of a number of measures that society uses to control minority groups with whom it is displeased for some reason and that failing to see how the authorities deploy the different measures separately serially or in coordinated fashion is a serious mistake Sketches a new form of policing that is respectful of minority residents and values and provides a framework for reducing excessive incarceration and mitigating some of the cruelties associated with it
