

Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Date


SSRN Discipline

Legal Scholarship Network; PSN Subject Matter eJournals; Law School Research Papers - Legal Studies; LSN Subject Matter eJournals; AARN Subject Matter eJournals; Criminal Justice Research Network; Cultural Anthropology eJournals; Political Science Network; Anthropology & Archaeology Research Network; CJRN Subject Matter eJournals; Political Behavior eJournals; Political Economy - Development eJournals


Sexual violence is an epidemic affecting millions of students and those who participate in collegiate Greek life are especially vulnerable As social societies bent on secrecy Greek life hides violence in its midst Laws and campus policies when accessed offer little help to victims and often secondarily traumatize them Publicized scandals on campus and social media campaigns however have raised awareness and sparked public outrage against the widespread problem of sexual violence and highrisk Greek life Systems change theory offers a useful framework to reform highrisk Greek life from many angles education reporting litigation and collective action of its system actors Effective strategies exist to create safer Greek organizations for students but without reform we will continue to jeopardize the education and health of millions of students
