Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Date


SSRN Discipline

Legal Scholarship Network; Law School Research Papers - Legal Studies; Law & Society eJournals; LSN Subject Matter eJournals


Rodrigo his wife Giannina and their straight man the Professor meet in the latter's city where the young couple have gone for a wedding After discussing an incident at Rodrigos law school in which anonymous actors defaced the lockers of four students of color the protagonists discuss recent contractions in the ideal of equality Using as a springboard recent conservative scholarship urging cutbacks in welfare affirmative action and immigration Rodrigo posits that our national commitment to equality is inherently unstable in light of our embrace of countervailing principles such as economic liberty Not only are these values on a collision course they are internally inconsistent Rodrigo argues in light of the other Without strenuous efforts to renew it equality contract and eventually biological theories of racial inferiority emerge as the final brutal fiction society fastens on to justify a deeply divided status quo
