Document Type

Working Paper

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SSRN Discipline

Organization Series; PSN Subject Matter eJournals; Industrial Organization & Regulation eJournals; Political Economy - Comparative eJournals; Organization Series Research Centers Papers; LSN Subject Matter eJournals; ERN Subject Matter eJournals; Organizations & Markets eJournals; Economics Research Network; Legal Scholarship Network; Corporate, Securities & Finance Law eJournals; Political Economy - International eJournals; Law School Research Papers - Legal Studies; Administrative Law eJournals; Law School Research Papers - Public Law & Legal Theory; Political Institutions eJournals; Political Science Network


The US Securities and Exchange Commissions Division of Market Regulation now has celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its creation In this panel discussion current and former officials from the Division explore the Divisions history and the challenges ahead for market regulators Panelists commentary offers insight into the continuing evolution of the federal regulation of securities markets and market participants The panel was convened as the Third Annual Albert A DeStefano Lecture on Corporate Securities Financial Law at the Fordham University School of Law
