Submissions from 2020
ALL-CAPS, Yonathan Arbel and Andrew Toler
The Law of Rescue, Shalini Bhargava Ray
What Is a Fair Price for Objector Blackmail? Class Action Objectors and the 2018 Amendments to Rule 23 Symposium, Elizabeth J. Cabraser and Adam N. Steinman
Law Review and Finding a Place in the Academy Essay, Jenny E. Carroll
Pretrial Detention in the Time of COVID-19, Jenny E. Carroll
Safety, Crisis, and Criminal Law, Jenny E. Carroll
The Due Process of Bail, Jenny E. Carroll
The Dangers of Disclosure: How HIV Laws Harm Domestic Violence Survivors, Courtney K. Cross
Essentializing Labor Before, During, and After the Coronavirus Pandemic, Deepa Das Acevedo
Lumpy Work, Deepa Das Acevedo
Farm-Raised Trout, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Responses to Liability Immunization: Evidence from Medical Devices, Elissa P. Gentry and Benjamin McMichael
Health Justice Strategies to Eradicate Lead Poisoning: An Urgent Call to Safeguard Future Generations, Allyson E. Gold, Emily A. Benfer, Emily Coffey, Mona Hanna-Attisha, Bruce Lanphear, Helen Y. Li, Ruth Ann Norton, David Rosner, and Kate Walz
Paying for Pretrial Detention, Russell M. Gold
Presidential Laws and the Missing Interpretive Theory, Tara Leigh Grove
Some Musings as LLCS Approach the Fifty-Year Milestone, Susan Pace Hamill
The Law and Political Economy of a Student Debt Jubilee, Luke Herrine
Coordinating Community Reintegration Services for Deporatable Alien Defendants: A Moral and Financial Imperative, Amy F. Kimpel
The First Amendment as a Procrustean Bed?: On How and Why Bright Line First Amendment Tests Can Stifle the Scope and Vibrancy of Democratic Deliberation, Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr.
Safeguarding a Will: Will Deposit Statutes, Alberto Lopez
Zoom Wills, Alberto Lopez
Healthcare Licensing and Liability, Benjamin J. McMichael
Insuring Apologies, Benjamin J. McMichael
Occupational Licensing and the Opioid Crisis, Benjamin J. McMichael
The Impact of Cannabis Access Laws on Opioid Prescribing, Benjamin McMichael, R. Lawrence Van Horn, and W. Kip Viscusi
The Habit of a Judge: A History of Court Dress in England & Wales, and Australia Book Reviews, Paul M. Pruitt Jr.
The Law of Rescue, Shalini Bhargava Ray
Protecting Protected Activity, Daiquiri J. Steele
Rethinking Standards of Appellate Review, Adam N. Steinman
Kant, Constitutionalism and Systems of Constitutional Justice in Europe and Beyond, Alec Stone Sweet and Clare Ryan
Voluntary Do-Not-Sell Lists – An Innovative Approach to Reducing Gun Suicides, Fredrick E. Vars
Submissions from 2019
Crime Fantasies, John Felipe Acevedo
Reputation Failure: The Limits of Market Discipline in Consumer Markets, Yonathan A. Arbel
The Case against Expanding Defamation Law, Yonathan A. Arbel and Murat Mungan
Consumer Activism: From the Informed Minority to the Crusading Minority Twenty-Fifth Annual Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy: Rising Stars: A New Generation of Scholars Looks at Civil Justice: Articles & Essays, Yonathan A. Arbel and Roy Shapira
Plenary Power and Animus in Immigration Law, Shalini Bhargava Ray
The Finch Initiative: Reconnecting Law Students to Rural Alabama, Mark E. Brandon, Benjamin M. Bowden, and Robert B. Thompson
Ecumenical Evangelical Legal Thought: The Contributions of Robert F. Cochran, Jr. Overview: Robert Cochran as Scholar and Institutional Entrepreneur, William S. Brewbaker III
Children's Rights to a Livable Future, Richard Delgado
Metamorphosis: A Minority Professor's Life, Richard Delgado
Rodrigo's Rebuke: Originary Violence and U.S. Border Policy, Richard Delgado
Should Good People Be Doctors: A Comment on Paul Butler and Anonymous, Richard Delgado
Do Judges Cry? An Essay on Empathy and Fellow-Feeling, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
An Empirical Analysis of Sexual Orientation Discrimination, J. Shahar Dillbary and Griffin Edwards
Associations and Cities as (Forbidden) Pure Private Attorneys General, Heather Elliott
Innovation Agents, Mirit Eyal-Cohen
Black Market Law Firms, Casey E. Faucon
Community Consequences of Airbnb, Allyson E. Gold
Presidential Laws and the Missing Interpretive Theory, Tara Leigh Grove
Regulating Bank Reputation Risk, Julie Andersen Hill
A Few Grains of Incense: Law, Religion, and Politics from the Perspective of the "Christian" and "Pagan" Dispensations, Paul Horwitz
The Coxford Lecture: Honour, Oaths, and the Rule of Law, Paul Horwitz
Why I Stopped Believing in Customary International Law, Daniel H. Joyner
The Clear and Present Dangers of the Clear and Present Danger Test: Schenck and Abrams Revisited, Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr.
A Rule 11 for Prosecutors, Yuri R. Linetsky
Antebellum and Postbellum Testamentary Transfers in Three Kentucky Counties Symposium: Empirical Analysis of Wealth Transfer Law, Alberto B. Lopez
Taming Blockbuster Punitive Damages Awards, Benjamin J. McMichael and W. Kip Viscusi
"Sorry" Is Never Enough: How State Apology Laws Fail to Reduce Medical Malpractice Liability Risk, Benjamin McMichael, R. Lawrence Van Horn, and W. Kip Viscusi
Post-Panel Commentary Symposium: Barnette at 75: The Past, Present, and Future of the "Fixed Star in Our Constitutional Constellation": Commentary, Joelle Moreno, Genevieve Lakier, Brad Snyder, Ronald K. L. Collins, John Inazu, Steven Smith, Roberto Lopez, Aaron Saiger, Paul Horwitz, Brian Heckmann, Howard M. Wasserman, Leslie Kendrick, Abner S. Greene, and Erica Goldberg
Plenary Power and Animus in Immigration Law, Shalini Bhargava Ray
Fiduciary Injury and Citizen Enforcement of the Emoluments Clause, Meredith M. Render
Children as Bargaining Chips, Clare Ryan
Appellate Jurisdiction and the Emoluments Litigation, Adam N. Steinman
Notice Pleading in Exile, Adam N. Steinman
Don't Reject Federal Prosecutors' Role in Criminal Justice Reform Crimfest 2019, Joyce Vance
Submissions from 2018
Florida v. Georgia: The Supreme Court Weighs in on the Struggle over the Appalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, William L. Andreen
Adminization: Gatekeeping Consumer Contracts, Yonathan A. Arbel
Graffiti, Speech, and Crime, Jenny E. Carroll
Criminalizing Battered Mothers, Courtney K. Cross
Preserving a Trust, Harry T. Dao and Fredrick E. Vars
Data Deficits in Municipal Rideshare Collaborations Symposium: Law, Technology, and the Organization of Work, Deepa Das Acevedo
A U.S.-Mexican Law School for Deportees: A Response to Amy Kimpel, Richard Delgado
Legal Realism and the Controversy over Campus Speech Codes, Richard Delgado
Retheorizing Actions for Targeted Hate Speech: A Comment on Professor Brown Comments, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Why Exempting Negligent Doctors May Reduce Suicide: An Empirical Analysis, J. Shahar Dillbary, Griffin Edwards, and Fredrick E. Vars
Gorsuch v. the Administrative State Life after Scalia: Justice Gorsuch and Modern Textualism on the Supreme Court, Heather Elliott
Economic Empowerment in the Alabama Black Belt: A Transactional Law Clinic Theory and Model, Casey E. Faucon
Duty to Protect: Enhancing the Federal Framework to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning and Exposure to Environmental Harm, Allyson E. Gold; Emily A. Benfer; Emily Coffey; Mona Hanna-Attisha; Bruce Lanphear; Helen Y. Li; Norton, Ruth Ann;; David Rosner; and Kate Walz
Jail as Injunction, Russell M. Gold
Foreword: Some Puzzles of State Standing Federal Courts, Practice & Procedure: State Standing: Symposium, Tara Leigh Grove
Government Standing and the Fallacy of Institutional Injury, Tara Leigh Grove
The Origins (and Fragility) of Judicial Independence, Tara Leigh Grove
The Power of So-Called Judges, Tara Leigh Grove
Introduction to Symposium: Conference on the Ethics of Legal Scholarship, Carissa Byrne Hessick, Paul Horwitz, and Chad Oldfather
Community Economic Development and the Concept of Justice Symposium: Community Economic Development Is Access to Justice, Steven H. Hobbs
Encore Professor: Crafting a New Story for Life after the Legal Academy AALS Contributions, Steven H. Hobbs
Violent Videos: Criminal Defense in a Digital Age, Amy F. Kimpel
Transborder Speech, Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr.
Whistleblowing Speech and the First Amendment, Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr.
What the Police Don't Know May Hurt Us: An Argument for Enhanced Legal Training of Police Officers, Yuri R. Linetsky
Beyond Physicians: The Effect of Licensing and Liability Laws on the Supply of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, Benjamin McMichael
The Failure of Sorry: An Empirical Evaluation of Apology Laws, Health Care, and Medical Malpractice, Benjamin J. McMichael
Trade Fraud: The Wild, New Frontier of White Collar Crime, Pamela Bucy Pierson and Bejamin Patterson Bucy
Law, Religion, and Racial Justice: A Comment on Derrick Bell's Last Article, Jean Stefancic
Nonmajority Opinions and Biconditional Rules, Adam Steinman
Access to Justice, Rationality and Personal Jurisdiction, Adam N. Steinman